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How to Set up a Bullet Journal Daily Spread to Not Waste Paper

Aren't Bullet Journals Daily Pages a Waste of Paper?

I can't find a bullet journal daily spread that works for me. I don't write as much on some days but can't make the spread smaller because other days I need more space.

How do I set up a 2up daily page layout?

 If you are a bullet journal beginner and have found yourself asking these questions like me, I have designed a layout to solve the wasted space in a bullet journal problem. 

Two months into Bullet Journaling, I decided I did need a daily page to help me complete tasks. I needed room to envision getting chores completed, a done list to see what I did on days I didn't cross things off my to do list, a gratitude list for inspiration, space to clear my mind, and sections for new BuJo things to incorporate.  Being an artist, the geometric layouts appealed me.



Doesn't making a fancy bullet journal page layout take too much time?

I tested out many layouts. I didn't want a too complicated and time consuming template to draw. It'd be nice to be able to do it without a ruler if need be. Functionality needed to outperform design. So why do I have slants and triangles then?  In sections I may write small to hold more text, I can write off the lines in graph paper easier on an angle. These are also usually things I don't need to go back and find quickly.  I like the slant dividing my to do and done lists because tasks are different lengths, and the two sections share the space more evenly this way. This format seems to save space rather than having blank space at the end of each line in a box format. I don't have to put a task of a couple words on the same line with another short task to save room, as doing that risks them blending together.   

My daily page design changed several times, especially the bottom note section. I decided pretty quick I was not devoting space to fun things like what song is in my head, since the daily page is to make me more productive, not be another time wasting hobby! If I have time and want to note that, I put it in the notes section with appropriate icon.  

I also do not force a daily page every day, as I don't want my BuJo to become a forced chore. It is to stay a fun means of promoting productivity.  If I'm too busy to take time for a daily page, that's great, then I probably don't need a to do list or to write for mental clarity. So, I may pre-layout pages but I don't write dates in until I am using the page.  

On days off when I will be doing a lot of tasks, I always make a daily page. I try to start the page the night before or at least early morning. I tend to fill those pages up, but on other days I work or am gone part of the day, I feel I am wasting paper, as much stays blank. Again, my bullet journal is not a mandatory chore, so I resist taking time to go back and write in things like what to be thankful for from a previous day, unless it is on my mind and I want to note it. 


The Bullet Journal for Working Women

From blogs I read, many people bullet journaling are stay at home mom's or high core work from home blog writers (yes, I write a blog, but it is for fun, not posted in any timely matter, and a blog post is never a task on my to do list). They can make the time to complete their bullet journal entries every day.  I am a working woman who does not always fill in every section. There are days I do have stuff for a daily page, but not a full page.

In looking back over pages from different days, some days I write the done list but not an affirmation, while other days it's the opposite. I went back and forth over how much space I
needed for a memory, as some days I didn't put anything there, while other days, there was a paragraph to remember. This is why I don't draw the line to completely divide the memory section and note section. Memories can go out to the right in an L shape, or even be a box if notes are large and need to go under it.

After thinking of this idea where section borders are determined as I go, I decided I needed to apply that concept to my daily pages. I wanted to do them 2up to save paper, but to have a shared space section for days there is more to write. Many notes don't matter datewise anyhow, and I can always section it off to what day it goes with after.  

How can I use a daily spread's empty space for a day I need more room for notes without getting sloppy?


Basically, I wanted to take the space on the bottom for memories and notes, as well as the done list on the middle right, and use that space for a shared layout, since I don't always write these items and they vary in length. My thought is pages will balance out whether there is minimal written or a lot. Many days I could have used an empty section on a neighboring page for space on a lengthy day.

Since my main purpose of doing a daily page is a set book to write my to do list in, it is most important each day have their own tasks to be completed section. I usually write goals, so that should stay. I seem to do affirmations or envisioning more than done lists, but that space can be interchangeable. I wanted the shared space to be in the middle so it can connect to any of the 4 days logically. I could not find any daily spreads on Google or Pinterest designed with this purpose in mind, so I decided to take the shaped sections from my current daily page I wanted to keep and design my own layout arrangement.

So, after much triangle and trapezoid drawing, trying to keep a similar layout since I was used to it, this is what I came up with. Each day has a corner triangle, a trapezoid, and the middle space on the outside of the page for a to do list. The center hexagon is a shared note space that any day can use. I will probably highlight the boundaries after each day to keep information from the days straight, unless dating it doesn't matter. 

A space saving layout! 4 days on two pages with shared note space

How am I dividing the sections now with my new setup for a bullet journal daily spread with days sharing extra note space?

An accomplishment is a small and quick thing to write that I can easily do each day so that triangle moved to the outer corners, as each day has its own triangle there. The inside triangles are shared, so that will be things I'm thankful for. If one day has more gratitude and the next day I don't write it, they can share the space. And if I decide to write it a day and the triangle is full from a previous day? No problem. It can go in the shared center section! Everything is color and icon coded so I should be able to locate various items later.

Today is the first day I'm using my new BuJo Space Saving Daily Spread. I'll let you know if it works and what changes I make!


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