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Showing posts from September, 2013

What Constitutes as "Success?" Am I "Successful" by Definition?

In our society, we so often define success as wealth and popularity. Societal norms say we need a degree from a fancy university, followed by a prestigious, six-figure salary career; a perfect marriage with well-behaved children; and expensive tangible items, like a big house and fancy car. If you fall short, you are not allowed to feel settled and are expected to be unhappy. What is "success" really?" Are these things an adequate definition? What good is a career if you hate going to the job every day?   Oh, but, your title sounds so important and official. Is a relationship really ideal if you are only together for convenience? Well, you miss out on things if you are single, and it's just plain lonely. Did you really want the most expensive car? Of course, it evokes jealously and serves as a status symbol. Now, I have to ask, isn't it also successful to have a job you enjoy and are very skilled at, even if it's not the best pay...
Today, I stumbled upon a statement of great advice from a psychologist's website:  "We benefit from slowing down to fully enjoy the possibilities of the moment. The anxiety of tomorrow can wait. The rumination of yesterday can be left alone. Today can be embraced." I always tend to relate these types of quotes directly to photos & art. My love of photography helps me embrace each day, event, and occasion, while my creative eye always allows me to see the possibility of the moment. Even when I am not looking to or am in a rush, I cannot help but see the art. What helps you live for today? Carpe diem, my friends!