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Showing posts from June, 2020

Repay No One Evil for Evil...

There are few people in this world that would disagree that murder is worse morally than vandalism, stealing, and arson. Thus, that should be a "you understood" statement without it being said or written. However, during the recent riots, social media users angrily clashed. When someone posted the destruction was wrong, they were attacked by comments saying murder was worse, as though anyone would argue that point! But, the moral judgment here is whether premeditated violent acts done upon innocent people hundreds of miles away, many of whom are also minorities, actions that have the potential to kill, are acceptable as an outcry of demanding attention on a serious issue. When I feel something deep in my heart, I do turn to the Bible. I found solace in this passage and recalled Jesus didn't retaliate, he didn't even fight back, so he certainly didn't seek vengeance upon innocent people across the country. I feel all the riots and looting really tainted an...