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Showing posts from August, 2018

Like the title of my blog says, focus on the positive when writing in a memory journal

I started a 5 year sentence journal the day after I was married.  Since it is now over a year,  when I write this year's entry,  last year's is above to read. I was excited for a year to come to read a non-digital memories,  "last year on this date" type thing. I thought I had told myself to keep it positive,  stuff I would want to remember,   but evidently I made that decision a few months in. It isn't venting or complaining, just describing it as it was, the trouble we had with some guests and issues with our photographer. But, now I don't want to read those entries,  I don't want to be reminded of small details I blocked out. I have memories a few months in of wanting to write how it was a blah day or I felt down,  because that is what was on my mind that day, so I wanted to complain.  But that I did refrain from,  deciding it wasn't a journal to vent,  but this was a memory book of the mundane I will enjoy recalling. I ...