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Showing posts from November, 2016

Ironic When We Complain About America, for We Are Using Our Right to Free Speech

Every time I see a complaining post about one of the candidates, asking what's wrong with America or comparing ours to other countries, I chuckle to myself. Because HERE in America, we are ALLOWED to voice our negative political opinions, unlike in some other countries.  This post is not about who you or I are for or against. It's just a thought instead of asking what's wrong with America because Trump won, people should remember the American rights they are exercising by publicly posting the question. If you wanted Hillary to win, freely state your disgust at the election results, but in doing so, don't belittle the country that is giving you this very right to speak your mind about the new president elect.  I still believe in America!

Cubs Win World Series

"Great Scott, Marty! Biff left a rift in the space time continuum, causing major events to shift forward precisely one year and twelve days."   "Wait,  Doc, I have trouble thinking fourth dimensionally.  You're telling me this was actually the year 2016?  This is heavy." For well over ten years,  I said the Cubs would win the World Series in 2015 because Back to the Future predicted it.  One year off?  Clearly there must be an explanation!