"To those who live with chronic pain and other invisible conditions; for those who take the blame being called lazy or unambitious. Let it be known others have similar challenges to face; you are not alone nor the only one in this place. So just forget about their negativity and accept some people will never understand. Remind yourself daily you're doing the best you can." #chronicpain #fibromyalgia #chronicfatigue #crohnsdisease #backpain #spondylolisthesis #multiplesclerosis #undiagnosed #painmanagement #depression #stress #chroniccondition #nocure #medical #doyouknow #judgment #misleading #poem #inspiration #thedarkesthourcomesjustbe foredawn
Photography, Photoshop, Psychology; Poetry, Prose, Philosophy;
People, Pain, Positivity; Passions, Profession, Productivity
Lifestyle Lessons | Trending Topics | Mental Motivation | Inspirational Insight | Art Awareness | Objective Observations | Relationship Remedies | Healthy Healing | Quaint Quotations | Giving Gratitude | Chronic Conditions | Wedding Woes | Vintage Views |