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Showing posts from 2017

Daily spread 3up Across the pages Long way

I tried doing fancy angles across two facing pages in my bullet journal daily spread, giving the center day equal space.  I, of course, did 3 skinny columns across the two facing pages. I'm happy with both 3ups so far. But, Wednesday night, it hit me about having 3 days on the left page and the extra space for each day and shared note section all on the facing right page. If I don't do both an affirmation and done list and have a small to do list on day 1, I won't use the right page and can start at the top for day 2. I did draw dividing lines on a vertical diagonal to keep my same pattern but without closing them on the bottom now, it will be clear what day they go with.  So I will try this tomorrow, when I finish my second trial BuJo 3 days across a 2 page spread. I saw a journal with a dot grid on the left and lines at the right. That would be usual for this format but make the weekly spread hard. Would be good for when I need a second basic bullet journal of reminde...

Bullet Journal Daily Spread: 3 Days Across Two Pages with Shared Boxes

I looked at my scratch designs (I didn't erase!) and made another 3up to trial, although I'm doing okay with the current one. In the new, there is too smaller shared sections, as each day has its own notes again.  The shared sections are rectangular to stand out and meant for information to remember, like memories, when something happened, things I learn.  I figure I can easily retrieve such info this way when I look back through. I also decided on three borders/dividers to represent days one through three (as well as a general division one). So in my new layout, I can mark what day the shared rectangle goes to, or even use wasted space on a day for another day with a lot to say.  On my current layout, the dividers seperate which day the notes section is pertaining to. I start the trial of my second 3up daily spread layout tomorrow!

Now I'm trying a 3up Bullet Journal Daily Spread

Well, after two days, I realize my 4up BuJo daily page layout is not going to work. I wrote too much the first day, used 3/4ths the note space, and went into a second day. The second day I didn't write much at all. We will see what happens today. Upon careful review of previous daily pages, on average, I use 2/3rds the page, so I should have a 3up layout, not four. I decided it is better to waste space sometimes rather than have everything crammed together, even though it is fairly easy to pick out things with my icon and color system. The past day, I spent a lot of time arranging shapes and doodling different layouts, trying to do a 3up daily page with even space but also a similar layout like I was used to. It's hard to divide three with my angled designs in order to have three even sections plus shared space that touches each day in case that day needs it.  I like my triangles and trapezoids and want to stick with them.  I think I worked out a new template to try fina...

How to Set up a Bullet Journal Daily Spread to Not Waste Paper

Aren't Bullet Journals Daily Pages a Waste of Paper? I can't find a bullet journal daily spread that works for me. I don't write as much on some days but can't make the spread smaller because other days I need more space. How do I set up a 2up daily page layout?  If you are a bullet journal beginner and have found yourself asking these questions like me, I have designed a layout to solve the wasted space in a bullet journal problem.  Two months into Bullet Journaling, I decided I did need a daily page to help me complete tasks. I needed room to envision getting chores completed, a done list to see what I did on days I didn't cross things off my to do list, a gratitude list for inspiration, space to clear my mind, and sections for new BuJo things to incorporate.   Being an artist, the geometric layouts appealed me.     Doesn't making a fancy bullet journal page layout take too much time? I tested out many layouts. I didn't want a too ...

You Don't Have to Notice the Decor at a Wedding, But If You Do: Appreciate the Romance; Don't Make Fun of It

 Let's start by asking: Do people notice the effort put into wedding decorations?  I would say most do not. I did everything I did at my wedding for me, because I am a creative person and it was fun. I knew doing it to get praise could be a huge let down, so I was surprised by the number of people who paid attention and complimented my decorations and ideas.  Upon seeing each table had different themed decorations, a few people told me they walked around to look at all the tables.  Like my husband said, it gave people a reason to walk the room! With that Addressed, it being understood most people don't absorb the wedding decorations, I now ask: Have you ever made fun of cute, romantic decorations at a wedding? Can lovey dovey stuff ever be too much at a wedding celebration?! First off, to make fun, you did notice them, but instead of complimenting things, you made it a joke. Anybody over twelve-years-old should appreciate the love story of the couple and f...

Time Spent Creating a Color System for my Bullet Journal Has Paid Off: I Use the Color Meanings Elsewhere Now

Why color code your Bullet Journal?  Is color coding your BuJo worth it?   How do you color code your Bullet Journal? A theory of a perceived benefit of perfecting a color system for my BuJo daily page and weekly/monthly spreads has proven true.   I told myself the time spent deciding on icons I could easily remember and making a strong color system would transfer over into other note taking. This morning was the first instance I used my color system elsewhere. I have spent so much time obsessing over color meanings with my Staedfast fineliners I'd be embarrassed if my family knew how much. I don't even know how much! Some core colors have not changed, but others I keep changing the meaning to best correlate with what category in the habit tracker they categorize. So if something like medical things is often used daily/weekly and has its own color, plus I have that category in my habit tracker, I want them the same color in both. Many were but not all. In my ...

If Parents Don't Show Appreciation for the Arts, Their Children Will Be Uninspired to Create Their Own Ideas

It is a shame intelligent young adults make fun of rather than appreciate art and poetry. But when adults crack themselves up hysterically and take pictures of inappropriate behavior in lieu of photographing and discussing creative ideas or artwork, I can't help but think they are teaching our youth that acting out and insulting others is what gets you attention and approval, not pursuing and sharing creative interests. If parents, aunts, and older cousins can't express the value and hard work put into a piece of art, their children won't be inspired to create their own ideas; they will be afraid of being made fun of for their imagination.  If it's easy to get praise by clowning around, there is no need to try their hand at writing, sculpture, or painting. Kids see they will make more friends by teaming up against and insulting their peers, probably those who do make art. After all, mom and dad poke fun of artists, so that must be the thing you do.  If some...

The Benefits of a Bullet Journal (From a BuJo Beginner's Perspective After 2 Months)

This is a list I have been adding to since mid September.  I have been working on a BuJo since mid-August, starting the habit/mood tracker September 1st. As of October 15th, I am trying out daily, weekly, and monthly pages in a separate book.  The Benefits of Using a Bullet Journal I Have Noticed at Two Months In 1. Tracking makes me pay attention to what I'm doing since I'm looking at the time to record it later. I rarely ask myself now, Did I take that vitamin or not?  I know exactly the time I wake up, eat, dress, etc.  2. Tracking has made me aware of my habits. The same color boxes all next to each other on the same line tell me I am doing some things more than I would have thought. I see what to improve on and what I'm doing good with, and what I never do! 3. This is the first time I've ever had a literal bucket list written on actual paper, or a list of places to photograph, restaurants to go, etc. The lists are all together, I'll know wh...
Some people write with a pencil, ✏️ able to easily erase their mistakes but never fully committing to any lines or shapes. Others write with a pen, 🖋️ unable to make a correction but permanently committed to every word written. Some of these ink users write carelessly and use white-out to cover their errors. 📝 Although hidden, it will always be apparent a mishap was once there.

Stop Holding Everyone Else Responsible for their Reactions; Start Taking Responsibility for YOUR Actions

If you are continuing to hold onto a grudge or keep blaming someone else for a dispute, always take a moment to examine all aspects of the situation, not just those you've been concentrating on. Forget about citing all the ways the other person has done you wrong, and ask yourself what part YOU have played in this transgression. Force yourself to think objectively. Were any actions of yours, good intentions or not, the start of the problem? Have you done anything to fuel the fire during the battle? Instead of jumping to defend your position as the wronged party, be honest with yourself. Quit thinking about what the other person did, and start focusing on the things YOU did. Remember, it takes two opposing sides to have a war. Consider what you've done during this feud, as well as anything you did right before the initial conflict started, that would alienate the other person. Think about everything that occurred which you were involved in. Even if you defend no harm...

I Have Different Questions About the Vegas Shooting than Those Being Asked

I have been following the updates to the Las Vegas shooting every day. It has my interest for some reason. Maybe because I have been to Vegas, stood on that corner, so I can perfectly visualize how it went down and can imagine how it felt that night. I looked through my photos and have that concert lot in some images, one taken from a similar perspective even.  Plus, Mandalay Bay is one of my favorite hotels. It is on my list to stay if I ever go back. It was the first hotel I played a slot in in Vegas where I turned $1 into $10, the first hotel I explored other than where we stayed. My dolphin Pillow Pet backpack clip is named Mandalay for the hotel. I also spent my friend's 30th birthday at the shark exhibit there on another trip. I am not a conspiracy theorist but just asking these as questions. I apparently want answers to different bits of information than the press. What started this blog entry was my desire to know more about the alarm that Campos, the secur...

What Counts as "Serving Others"?

I agree that helping people, doing things for others, is the key to living a good life. But who gets to decide what is counted as serving others? Most people will automatically think first of the heavy lifting, purely physical things, like volunteering their labor at charities. They then might consider simpler deeds, like giving someone a ride. What about if one is not physically able to help others in such a way? What if their way of helping is less obvious, indirected even?  Picture someone on their computer at home writing a blog about their health experiences in hope someone else who needs guidance will find the page. They choose to devote the time to do it because they want to make another life better by sharing what they've learned. They are indeed serving others, despite it is not the outwardly way we expect.  Never assume others are selfish because you don't see them volunteering. They might be helping other people in their own way, the only way they can; and...


It doesn't matter what your expectations are for me. It doesn't matter what your expectations are for anybody else or how you think people should be. For that is only your opinion, your belief, your view of the world. Understand your perception is not the ideal, the reality, or the way it's best for everyone else, nor is mine for that matter. Neither of us have adequate information to tell the rest of the world the way they all should be living. Only you yourself know what you are capable of. It does not matter if you think your way is the best, the standard EVERYONE should follow. No matter how much we want to, we don't make "the rules" for everyone; everyone will not live their life in the way we expect they should , and we must accept they have no obligation to.

One Month In Reflections on Keeping a Bullet Journal

Well the question I am asking myself today, one I think critics would ask is: am I spending so much time setting up my bullet journal that I am wasting time I should be devoting to the tasks I'm listing and drawing?  Will it be worth it as my journal fills in? This is my one month review of keeping a bullet journal. I have been spending time on my jourdling and A to Z lists probably more than I have to do lists and chore reminders. I keep thinking of creative ideas.  It is nice to have a place to keep all these random lists I never had written before, like my bucket list and recipes to try,  but also my favorites A to Z and little quarks about me. I don't think these extra pages are an entire waste. I had noticed during wedding planning that it was great stress relief to have an outlet for expression again.  I had painting or jewelry all set up and could easily work on it in a spare moment or when I couldn't sleep.  My bullet journal has repl...