You can't save an artist who doesn't want to be saved. Somebody who isn't trying to get rich selling their artwork. You can't help an artist who already knows her style and has learned in this social media age to always be herself because art is subjective and there will always be critics, but what sets one apart is what's unique to you. You can't save a real artist who creates for the relaxation feeling it gives her inside. In fact, by trying to, it shows someone who is not a genuine artist at all. So the "artist" who really needs saving here is the one who became a sell out instead of finding a path that fit his own style. The one trying to convince another artist to do the same "if they want to make money," wrongly assuming that's the only driving reason someone makes art. The one who actually needs advice is the critic implying an artist's work will never sell, when he is in fact only inferring that from his own beginning ar...
Photography, Photoshop, Psychology; Poetry, Prose, Philosophy;
People, Pain, Positivity; Passions, Profession, Productivity
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