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Showing posts from November, 2022

Sharing my Thanksgivings and Expressing Gratitude — Finally (and Appropriately) on Giving Tuesday

Although common for me, I hadn't planned on writing any insightful notes of Thanksgivings this year; I truly intended to keep it simple — since I just have so much going on right now — but, perhaps, that is exactly why the writer in me took over, as when you are very busy, borderline overwhelmed, that is e xactly  when you need to write notes like this! So before we left for our turkey destination Thursday, I ended up jotting down some thoughts of thankfulness for 2022, which I added to and edited during rest periods over the next few days. It goes something like this... On this day of Thanksgiving, I am thankful to have family to spend the holidays with, thankful to my brother and sister-in-law for inviting us over for Thanksgiving dinner. I am thankful my immediate family was all together on Thanksgiving for the first time in years, along with some extended family, and although missed, I am thankful a usual relative not with us was writing his own tradition for the books. The who...

Derailing Vs. Getting on Board with Theories of Tiffany Valiante's Death

This post is about "Mystery at Mile Marker 45," the first episode in season 3 of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries, which tells the story of Tiffany Valiante, a recent high school graduate with a promising future, who was suspiciously struck by a train after disappearing from outside her New Jersey home in July 2015. It is assumed one has already viewed the episode before reading my thoughts and opinions on this case. SPOILERS will be given!   Fact or Fiction?  I have seen several people discussing supposed facts that were left out of the episode, alleging Tiffany had stolen from her parent's bank account in the past, that CPS visited regarding abuse by her mother in the months prior to her death, and supposedly an axe recovered as evidence near the scene was lost by investigators before testing. Although I did find her autopsy report with the little bit of searching I did, I only saw this rumored information on gossip websites or other people talking on threads how they ...