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Showing posts from December, 2018

What Pain Is, Is Real

Pain is not a choice.  It is not a decision.  You don't chose to be in pain, and you certainly don't want to be. But you can't just decide to not have pain today.  If it were that easy, why would anybody ever stay in pain? The world can't possibly have that many sufferers of Munchausen syndrome or hypochondria in it.

An Evil Game = An Evil Infection

When you stop playing Evil's game and make a move Evil never expected from you, Evil will stumble, for Evil does inhumane actions in hopes you will reciprocate, thus generating more Evil. The moment you break the cycle, you begin to break Evil down. Evil cannot spread if you refuse to be Its host.  Therefore, don't let Evil trick you into helping It thrive, for Evil is a mastery at trickery. Keep in mind that you are playing with Evil's rule book, and sometimes just ignoring Evil is not enough. Your silence is actually playing into Evil's deranged game; you are unsuspectingly falling into Its trap.  Thus, always be nice and polite to others, treating everyone you meet as though they are your closest kin, because Evil hates that. Such kindness is what actually prohibits Evil's growth. Think of Evil as a germ.  If you come in contact with pure Evil and don't wash your hands of It, you may spread the germ to another and then another, who both may a...

Far From Famous

I am waiting.   Still waiting to be discovered. By whom I do not know.   For what,   well, it's flexible.   But why,   I am not sure,   nor do I recognize what I'm hoping to receive.   A dream job?   Money?    Personal recognition? I am reminded of a social science class in high school where I was the only one to rank personal recognition a top value over the typical love, family, money, etc. As the teacher repeated it loud,   stating my name followed by "for personal recognition,"   I remember thinking, Was that odd?   That was the first time I recall realizing the true desire I had to be famous or well-known,   beyond the kid dreams to be an actress or singer – I just realized now,   I did always fantasize about careers that would make me famous,   so maybe that is my core value, what drives me deep down. I write a blog no one reads, to voice my thoughts and put them out there in case someone shou...