This past week in the mornings with my coffee before work and on my days off, I have been focusing even more than usual on editing images. I realized today, I could take a break from the photos for a contest I am entering, but only to edit images from a wedding I shot last week. And, I do get away from it when I go to work, but only to still be editing more images at my actual job! I am not complaining, as Photoshop is one of the most relaxing things to me. And, I am not trying to show off by making such jokes as often as I do, but just remarking how truly funny it is how much of my life is spent working in Photoshop! Even a customer once joked to me, "You use Photoshop at home? What, you don't get enough of it here?" And maybe, I am also just reminding myself to be thankful I have not gotten burnt out on this yet...reminding myself that although things are not perfect, how cool it really is I love doing this. I recall a conversation from a few years ago where some...
Photography, Photoshop, Psychology; Poetry, Prose, Philosophy;
People, Pain, Positivity; Passions, Profession, Productivity
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