You Deserve More! Image originally posted on DarkroomBeforeDawn Instagram. Whether it's a romantic relationship, roommate, friendship, teammate, employer, or business partnership, you know how you want to be treated. You know how you've always been treated in similar relationships in the past and how you expect to be treated in such a relationship now. The red flag should be raised whenever you catch yourself all too frequently questioning, "Is what I am risking, losing, or having to compromise by being in this relationship/partnership really worth the good aspects it may also bring me?" It's easy to justify one negative or unhealthy aspect of your relationship or position with a fun or convenient one. For instance, your boyfriend often goes off on you for no reason, but he also buys you lavish gifts almost just as much. No boyfriend has ever done that for you before, so you tell yourself he isn't really emotionally abusing you since he gifts you — or ev...
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