Although common for me, I hadn't planned on writing any insightful notes of Thanksgivings this year; I truly intended to keep it simple — since I just have so much going on right now — but, perhaps, that is exactly why the writer in me took over, as when you are very busy, borderline overwhelmed, that is e xactly when you need to write notes like this! So before we left for our turkey destination Thursday, I ended up jotting down some thoughts of thankfulness for 2022, which I added to and edited during rest periods over the next few days. It goes something like this... On this day of Thanksgiving, I am thankful to have family to spend the holidays with, thankful to my brother and sister-in-law for inviting us over for Thanksgiving dinner. I am thankful my immediate family was all together on Thanksgiving for the first time in years, along with some extended family, and although missed, I am thankful a usual relative not with us was writing his own tradition for the books. The who...
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