Just because you aren't happy in your own life right now doesn't give you reason to hurt others or kill their joy Your unhappiness is not permission to criticize or attack anyone else. Period. Just a reminder for us all. At the simplest, when you're not feeling happy, remember to not take your bad mood out on others. At the extreme, when you're struggling with a bout of unhappiness, don't try to ruin anyone else's happiness. Because if you are successful in doing so, it won't make you any less unhappy. Remember that! 😃 Happiness comes from within. What is something that makes you happy? Do it this weekend!
All any of us can do in this life is be the best version of ourselves that we can be. Not all of us will be famous stars influencing fans or scientists curing diseases; in fact, most of us will not be. But whom each of us has the power to be is a good person to others by spreading kindness and helping everyone we can in whatever way we can. Just be sure your gifts of kindness and actions of help are genuine, without ever expecting reciprocation, without ever becoming bitter that you gave too much Leave others feeling better about themselves after being in your presence, not feeling worse. Never intend to leave anyone feeling hurt, upset, or insecure It is important to always strive to be the bigger person in all your affairs. Don't treat haters how they have treated you; do not seek revenge or retaliate to those you feel wronged by, but respond in the way you would like someone to treat you. Should you ever find yourself in a position of power, use it to do more good, never to prom...