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Showing posts from November, 2020

Riots and Looting by the Losing Party Would Equate to A Child's Temper Tantrum

Just something that has been on my mind with cities boarding up in precaution of the 2020 election results. Remember, (conspiracy theorists aside), whichever party wins will be because the majority of our fellow Americans voted for them. If your candidate doesn't win, you are entitled to be upset, let down, and even worried about our country. That's perfectly human! But, to cause destruction and chaos, hurting innocent people in rebellion, think about it: Isn't that really what children do when they don't get their way? They scream in anger and throw things in an attempt to get the authority figure to change their mind and give the child what he or she wants. Because to a child, the world revolves around them. No matter who wins or loses this Election Day, I hope all Americans will show us how mature they really are. It shouldn't have anything to do with whether you support the Democratic party, consider yourself a Republican, or fall somewhere in between....